Sunday, September 6, 2009

global warming?

Now I'm not going to try and be all scientific and act like I'm an expert on anything at all (let alone global warming), but I'm going to tell you what I think and what I know.
My first point: do not even TRY and deny that something is up with the Earth. Whether it's too hot or too cold or too dry or too wet, it's something. Also, do not even try to say that humans have little or nothing to do with it. THERE ARE SIX BILLION+ OF US AND WE WON'T GO AWAY. WE WON'T STOP HAVING BABIES THAT WE DON'T EVEN WANT. And, we won't stop acting like we're way more important than any other creature on Earth and that if anything happens to our planet, it will only impact us.

Here's my personal evidence that humans are not only contributing to the climate change, but are the main cause of it.
I know that it's possible for climate change to be caused by the poles magnetizing and demagnetizing periodically, and by sunspots coming and going (but like I said, I'm not trying to be scientific because I don't know enough unbiased information about either to really say) but there is no way that we can deny that we've messed stuff up forever.

1. When sitting on the back porch in Lawrenceville in summertime, the neighbor's air conditioning exhaust blows in my direction. Not only does it make it hotter back there with all of that hot air blowing right in my face, but it turns on every fifteen minutes. With all of the people and businesses that use (and overuse) air conditioning, you better believe that all of that hot exhaust is changing the temperature.

2. Cars. Like air conditioners but worse. I don't think I need to talk about them. But there are A MOTHER FUCKING LOT in Pittsburgh.

3. People using resources, like trees. Trees make air. We take away the trees and the plants and replace them with blacktop, which absorbs the heat and sun and traps it, and makes it even hotter. And then there's less shade and air to fix the problem.

4. Melting ice. Rising waters.

5. Ridiculous wildfires that won't stop.

There's a lot of evidence, I think. But this should be enough to make people want to stop being jerkfaces and try to be better. Try to be better citizens of Earth. I don't know why it isn't.


  1. The first paragraph is brilliant. Wait, the entire thing in brilliant. And you said the F word. !! THAT is the mutherfucking bees' knees.

  2. Jodi Beth! You said motherfucking! I should wash your mouth with soap! (You know I never use language like that...)

    You and Al Gore, dude, making us into better human beings. I will try to stop being a jerkface, because that polar bear dad died, and that's not right.
